Location : Maduravoyal, Chennai.

Gauge Solutions

Gauge Solutions


Since 2021, E Tech Automations has been a reliable provider of extensive CNC machine Service,Gauging Solution and spare parts. Our dedication to client satisfaction is evident in our ongoing service improvements and competitive pricing to address increasing costs. Our team of skilled mechanical and electrical engineers ensures consistent service quality, while our 24-hour call-out service guarantees prompt resolution of our clients’ requirements

Exploring Auto Offset Correction Evaluation
Say goodbye to component rejections, rework, and operator errors !
Tips to Enhance Your Productivity
Avoiding Machine Accidents through Correct Offset Entries
POKO YOKO of Machines
Improving Interlocking Machine Operations and Avoiding Component Mixing.
The next cycle of interlocking machine operations can be optimized by separating rejected and accepted components. This will ensure that the machine runs smoothly and without any errors.